
A Glimpse...

This is where I work. Writing & Creating- with a cup o'joe or tea. Today's tea? Celestial Seasoning's Tension Tamer! Ah...

I stare at flowers while I work...

I've been mixing drinks at night for fun. It's always been on my list of things to do, so for the first time, I'm doing it!

Of course, thrown in to the mix of the day is what I want to be doing vs. what I should be doing.

It's perfect fall weather today- the kind of weather where one is almost SURE that magic is going to happen. Also, the kind of weather that one would like to fall asleep in. We hit the snooze button three times today.

My husband has been working like a dog, thus he is going to get sick like one. Today, he forgot his cough medicine at home. We'll stay in tonight (TGIF!) so we can be refreshed for the weekend's events.

My grandmother is still in the hospital. All the doctors there are giving her the run-around because they want to keep her there for observations; meanwhile, she's bored. Everyone in the family is running all over the place to get things done. I can't say it's easy, but I heard today she's coming home. Let's see...

A long time ago, someone told me it doesn't matter what you write, just make sure your words get out there. So, now there out there, but is anyone listening? I keep wondering what to do with my completed books...send out query letters or wait for copyright paperwork? Advice would be greatly appreciated but in the meantime...

Gingerbread cookies are about to go in the oven...my fur-friend is sleeping. What I need to do today? Everything? What I probably will do? Bake.

Blessed Be,



  1. On the writing front I totally understand. I've actually noticed a new trend with writers- creating an online serial for their books, then offering the completed editions in their shops. Just a thought.

  2. That's really interesting...how would I go about doing that?

    You're wonderful <3



heart to hearts...