

everyday, i wake up and count my blessings.
this takes me a long time-
usually i will continue counting my blessings throughout the day...

and today was no exception.

today was not the first time i learned that i have a wonderful, fun and supportive family.
today was not the first time i thanked my friends for being there.
today was not the first time i nuzzled noses with my assistant.
today was not the first time i cooked dinner, crossed things off my to-do list, did some writing,
and told LML that i love him.

i am extremely thankful for so many things
that i don't have enough fingers and toes to count them.

i am VERY thankful to my bloggie friends <3 because you all make me smile
and support me
no matter what.

i am VERY thankful to whoever it was that has purchased my books- YAY! and Thank You!

i am also thankful that i get to be snowed in this weekend with my soulmate and furry friend, with my family just a phone call (or tiny walk) away!

what fun things do you have going on this weekend?!

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