
Wish: A Steady Schedule

Remember the carefree days of reading, writing and 'rithmetic? When you knew where you had to go and what you were going to be doing? I wish that now , or still, there could be days like that. Sometimes, I like to think that being a grown up is full of the unexpected. Friends that go without reason, unexpected situations, etc.

It could be that being married to LML brings me the unexpected. I don't know what he's planning for my birthday, therefore I have no idea of what to tell my besties who would like to be out with us.

Well, if they had a mouth to the people that they should have a mouth towards...but that's a story for another day...

So I hope one day that LML would also take a break from his CRAZY schedule just so that I may have something solid to look forward to, other than weekends...which coincidentally, are my favorite time of the week...

During the week, I do weird things...like taking apart my wardrobe and putting outfits together. As shown above...
I cook. I read. I write. I watch weird shows.

There's always this nagging feeling that I could be doing more but I don't know what. Is it a luck thing? Do people really make their own luck? Does one go out to change their luck or resort to the spells that you know will work though that may backfire?


(Edited to add a PS- Note that all photos with the exception of the LMAO post are property of...MG <3)
Decisions, decisions...
back to the drawing board...

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