
birthday luck?

yesterday, i kicked my nephew's butt in video games. You know what he tells me? See, Chrissy? You're lucky because you're the birthday girl. I told him that I was lucky that I had him, which caused him to roll his eyes and say, no no no, that's not what I mean. I had a lovely birthday- so many warm wishes, a beautiful lunch with Mom @ a panini cafe, complete with coffee and homemade cappuccino frozen yogurt. For dinner, LML took me out, where he had a NY strip steak and I had a cajun pasta. Yum!

Then, before I fall asleep, an idea occurs to me. I've been wanting to craft for a while now, but had no idea what to do. It's like something whispered in my ear.

Maybe it was the pasta?

So, I went out and bought supplies, and began today.

I'm not looking to become rich and famous, just happy. And for the few minutes I worked on my new craftiness today, I was happy. It helped me to get so many more ideas that I didn't have time to even write anything down. It's something that I always search for and have plenty of and wondered, what if? Of course, I can offer my own spin on the craft. See how things work...

Of course, I'll still be writing, cooking, gardening and the like.

Photos tomorrow due to faulty connection :D

Much love,


  1. Oh I have been trying to link to you!
    Found where you're hiding now ha ha!

    Happy Belated (but only by a teeny bit) Birthday.
    Glad you came to visit me.
    Hope to talk again soon...

  2. Hi! Thank you for the birthday wishes, and for visiting my page :) We'll definitely talk soon!

    Much Love,


heart to hearts...