
mindless television


i LOVED Real Housewives of New York City. it's pointless drama really helped me get through the pointless drama thrown at me!

why did i love it?

these women (portraying a glitzy, only in movies NYC) are in their 40s. lives: families, romances, children, jobs, bills.

how do they HAVE the time to start with this crap? i mean, really?

i really hope it was all to promote their careers, because the matter is that these women just bicker with each other...for no reason! who cares what you think they said?
who cares what you own?
who cares where you're taking photos?

(i know, i touched on these "crazy people" topics earlier today, but seriously! if you need to get over your own drama-filled life/people in you life...watch the repeats of this show!)

i really hope y'all are living it up, drama free!

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

1 comment:

  1. Following from Blog Hop Thursday, feel free to follow back and enter my giveaways linky



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