
The Best Life

I love this

I have been crazy about Bob Greene since first hearing about him on Oprah. Since he's been on there, he's been in almost every publication that I read.

OK! Magazine (once again, my favorite vice aside from coffee and chocolate and puppy love) had a mini Best Life Program article. This is what it said...(yes, think of me as your favorite magazine bits all pieced together. at least, I hope you think of my blog that way :)

"The Best Life Program works in three phases. In phase one, dieters adopt healthy habits, like drinking more water and not eating close to bedtime. In phase two, soda, fried food and high-fat dairy are switched out for whole-grains, fruits and vegetables. In phase three, banned foods are reintroduced. Here are some examples of meals for each phase...but for more information, visit the website link above! (thebestlife.com)

  • breakfast: best life cheerios cereal mix, topped with a half pear, sliced; 2 tbsp. pecans or other unsalted nut 1 cup nonfat or 1% milk.
  • lunch: nut butter pear sandwich ( 2 slices whole-wheat breadl 2 tbsp. almond or other nut butter; half a pear, thinly sliced; 1 tbsp. honey)
  • 1/2 cup carrot sticks
  • dinner: lemon and herb grilled trout, grilled 5 inch ear of corn, sauteed sugar snap peas with ginger
  • breakfast: chocolate strawberry smoothie, half an oat-bran bagel and 2 tbsp. reduced fat cream cheese
  • lunch: strawberry-peach chicken salad (OH MY GOD, I NEED THIS RECIPE!)
  • dinner: curried squash soup, steak salad, slice crusty whole-grain bread
  •  breakfast: hot cereal with almonds and apricots, cup of nonfat or 1% milk
  • lunch: chicken tabouleh pitas
  • dinner: spicy beef fajitas with guacamole
And don't forget to keep active and want good things for yourself!


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