
Book Love

For some reason that I can only tell a select few right now (though I wish I could share everything with you bloggers), I picked up a book yesterday called the Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton. You know my love for books by now, so this is not a surprise...I hope :)

I have not started to read it yet, but the cover page kind of grabbed me. I loved writing in my diary when I was a little girl...venting my frustrations in my journal as a teenager...and completing keepsake books in my 20s. Though I do not clip out newspaper articles from the paper and paste it to a notebook, I also scrapbook, and scrapjournal (is that what they call it?)

I've been doing it for so long that people make fun of me. Sadly, I have no idea what happened to my 15+ diaries and journals, but I do have my hands on the ones that involve LML and I in the early years.

At least :) I love books where they involve diaries, journals, and lists!


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